DIY Matching Desk Accessories
Do mismatched items stress you out? Does color-coordination make you one of the happiest people alive? Are you more productive at work when your stapler matches your tape dispenser? We're of the opinion that beautiful, organized spaces help inspire our motivation and creativity, and we can't think of one place more beneficial to have organized and beautiful than our office! Fill your work space with your favorite colors to help make it a place you want to spend time in ... right down to your desk accessories, every bit helps! Before you head out on the hunt for everything matching, just grab a can or two of COLORSHOT and spray paint your existing desk accessories for a quick, easy and chic way to upgrade to your work tools.
What you need:
- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint (we used Island Girl, Scuba, Marshmallow and Smoke & Mirrors)
- Metal desk accessories (stapler, tape dispenser, binder clips, scissors, etc.)
- File holder

Make sure your desk accessories are clean and free of dust. Work in a well-ventilated area and cover your work space to protect from overspray.

Mask off any portions of the accessories you don't want painted with painter's tape.

Spray several light coats of spray paint onto the accessory, letting dry between coats. Tip: it's better to spray light coats instead of one heavy coat so your paint doesn't run or drip. COLORSHOT dries to the touch in 10 minutes!

Such an easy way to give your desk accessories a whole new look!

You can even spray paint your binder clips because you are that much of a boss!