Easy Easter Crafts with Acrylic Paint
And just like the Easter Bunny, we’re hopping into spring with some pep in our step! Flowers are starting to bloom (at least here at COLORSHOT headquarters), Easter is on its way, and we’re ready to impress the Easter Bunny with our craftiness (we want more chocolate in our baskets, okay?). So we enlisted the help of Craft Box Girls to come up with an easy Easter craft that’s cute, colorful and fun to make with COLORSHOT Premium Acrylic Paints. Check out this spring door wreath tutorial and get ready to welcome the bunny in charge to your own home this year!
Easter Bunny wreath supplies

We promise that the only “difficult” thing about this easy Easter craft is picking out your COLORSHOT Acrylic Paint colors! (There are so many to choose from, after all. Not that we’re bragging. Okay maybe.)
Paint hoop in chosen color

First paint your hoop base in your chosen acrylic paint color, letting dry between coats. (We told you this is an easy Easter craft.)
Paint bunny figure

Next paint your bunny figure. You can use the Aromatherapy color like Craft Box Girls, or get creative with your own color palette!
Continue painting wood pieces

Continue painting the rest of your wood pieces for your wreath. Remember that COLORSHOT Acrylic Paints are nice and opaque, so you can paint polka dots or other designs over your other colors if you choose to!
Glue welcome sign onto base

After all of your painted pieces dry, you can start gluing them together. (This is an easy Easter craft – no tools needed!) Glue your welcome sign onto the painted wood base and let dry.
Glue bunny and welcome sign onto hoop

Next glue the bunny figure onto the hoop, and the welcome base onto the bunny.
Create a bow and glue onto bunny

Cut a strand of ribbon and tie it into a bow, then decide where you want to glue it on the bunny figure. You can make it a cute ear accent piece, or even create a bowtie for the neck. Get creative with this easy Easter craft!
Glue flowers in place and let dry

Glue your faux flowers in place on the back side of the welcome sign and let everything dry completely. (Tip: Practice arranging the flowers first, and decide where you like them before gluing them in place.) To create a hanger for your Easter Bunny wreath, simply cut a strand of ribbon and loop it around the top of your hoop, then tie a knot at the length you want to hang it from.
COLORSHOT Easter Bunny Wreath

Once the glues dries, your new spring wreath is ready to hang on your front door to impress guests – and the Easter Bunny – with your creative skills. What other easy Easter crafts are you hopping into with COLORSHOT? Make sure to tag us on social @mycolorshot and share with us!