Ice Cream Cart Upcycle Project

We don’t know about the temps where you live, but here at COLORSHOT headquarters, it is HOT outside. So needless to say, we’re in the mood to cool down with something frozen and preferably delicious, like ice cream! This upcycle project from Chica and Jo turns an antique popcorn cart into a treat for the senses with a little help from COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint. Check out how they did it, then get ready to be the most popular stop at your next outdoor event with your own custom ice cream cart!

What you need:

- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint (Marshmallow used here)

- Wheeled cart

- Sanding machine

- Die cut machine

- Vinyl material (desired colors for lettering/signage)

Clean cart to prep for painting

Clean cart to prep for painting

First make sure your cart has been washed and has a nice, clean surface for painting. If you need to sand it before painting, you can wait to clean it until after you sand it.

Sand cart to smooth and prep

Sand cart to smooth and prep

If your cart has a painted finish, and especially if it’s older and has any rust, you’ll want to sand it before painting. After sanding, make sure it’s wiped clean and is free of dust and debris before painting. Remove the wheels or any other parts you don’t want painted, or painted a different color than your base.

Spray paint cart in desired colors

Spray paint cart in desired colors

Spray several light coats of COLORSHOT spray paint onto the entire cart, letting dry between coats. Once you are happy with the look, let the cart dry completely.

Use a die cut machine to create your cart sign

Use a die cut machine to create your cart sign


Use a die cut machine to create your own custom sign for your cart. To download the Frozen Treats file Chica and Jo used, visit their full post here. You can use all one color, or several colors of vinyl for your sign. Experiment and make it your own!

Adhere sign details to cart

Adhere sign details to cart

Once the paint on your cart is dry and completely cured, adhere your sign details to the front. Attach any cart pieces you removed during the painting process as well.

Insulate using an old foam ice chest

Insulate using an old foam ice chest

To insulate their cart and make it ready to store frozen treats, Chica and Jo used an old foam ice chest. See how they modified it and added it to their cart here.