Spray Painted Chandelier
One easy way to fancify any space is with a chandelier. Even an outdoor space and even if you hang the chandelier from a tree. Instant fancy. If you want to be even fancier (and why wouldn't you?), you can spray paint your chandelier to match your party color scheme using COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint. With all of the bright, on-trend colors to choose from, upping your dinner party's game with a spray painted chandelier that matches your table is easier than putting together your guest list.
What you need:
- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint (we used Farmer's Daughter)
- Metal chandelier

Make sure the chandelier is clean and free of any dust. Remove any bulbs, candles, etc.

If your chandelier is made from a shiny metal, you'll first want to spray it with Primer and let dry. Spray several light coats of Farmer's Daughter (or desired color) over entire chandelier, including chain, letting dry between coats.

Whether your chandelier is purely for decoration or functional, no one can deny how fantastic it will look newly made over with COLORSHOT. Look at that color coverage - so pretty in pink!