Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art

Rainbows are a symbol of hope and a good reminder that while we have storms in life, the sunshine always follows. They also make fun art - for these same reasons - and because they're PRETTY! You might not have ever thought about making rainbow art with spray paint, but artist Stacie England did, and we're swooning over it. Wanna make your own? Grab some COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paints and head this way for a quick tutorial from Stacie!

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique - create arcs with base colors

Make sure to cover your work surface with protective plastic or painter's cloth. Place your triangle canvas on the protected surface and choose the order of your spray paint colors. Begin spraying arcs, starting at the base of the canvas.

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique - create arcs with base colors

Continue spraying arcs as you work your way up the canvas.

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique - create arcs with base colors

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique - add a layer of black

Spray a light layer of black spray paint (Blackout) over the canvas after you've added your colors, then repeat with another layer of colors. Repeat with a layer of Blackout. You can even use a hairdryer to dry paint in between layers so the colors don't become muddy.

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique - add in a few arcs of black

Add in a few arcs of solid black for definition in between layers.

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique - add more color arcs

Add more arcs of color until you're happy with how the piece looks. Let it dry completely.

COLORSHOT Rainbow Spray Paint Art Technique - add more color arcs

No you can have sunshine and rainbows no matter what the weather's like outside!